Dear readers

Welcome to the May-June issue of the Journal of Massage Science. As usual, we prepared for you a lot of very helpful and practical information. In this issue we introduce the Sports Massage section of our Journal. The first article is the author’s general overview of the sports massage topic. In the following issues we will address in considerably more detail a description of various protocols of sports massage (pre-event, post-even, rehabilitation etc.).

In the Sports Massage section of the Journal we have also shared with you one of the friction techniques used in sports massage. The Sarkisov-Sirasisni’s friction method developed by the founder the Russian Sports Massage School is presented in video format, and is part of our comprehensive video library of world massage.

In this issue the second part of the Trigger Point Therapy article is published and it covers the important subject of the examination of the trigger points. We tried to present as much information as possible in the video format.

Also as usual, you will find helpful tips in the Case of the Month and Good Apples/Bad Apples Sections of the Journal.

According to the letters we’ve received, some of you already have successfully used our brochure and built productive professional relationship with local family physicians and pulmonologists. We are very happy that our Journal has helped you to break into the field of traditional medicine to help those who are in need and has assisted you in building up your practice.

Sincerely, Dr. Ross Turchaninov, MD

Category: Letter From The Editor
