We think that Medical Massage (MT) is the most misrepresented topic in American Massage Therapy. To address these misunderstandings and confusions, The Science of Massage Institute has decided to make a series of short videos, which we hope will bring clarity to this important subject. It is impossible for MT to return to modern American medicine if there is no unified, scientifically based definition of Medical Massage and its clinical applications.
Western School of Massage Therapy
Medical Massage Concept
Three Common Myths about Medical Massage
Medical Massage vs Stress Reduction Massage: What’s the Difference?
Discover the Key Differences Between Medical and Sports Massage
The Benefits of Medical Massage: 3 Reasons to Start Studying Medical Massage Techniques Today
The Place of Medical Massage in Somatic Rehabilitation | Medical Massage’s Role in Somatic Healing
A Comprehensive Approach: Combining Medical Massage and Chiropractic Care
How Medical Massage Can Aid Chronic Visceral Disorders?