There are four major national massage publications in the United States, which is more than any other country. Each publication tries to inform massage practitioners on a wide variety of topics. During 2012, the Editorial Board of JMS reviewed articles published in all four massage journals in order to direct readers to the most valuable publications, and indicate the authors who made mistakes or unscientific claims.

    For those massage practitioners who would like to experience and learn from scientific publications which cover massage and bodywork and are recognized by the international medical community, we recommend the following two sources:

International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (Editor Ann Blair Kennedy, LMT, BCTMB, DrPH) and Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (Editor-in-Chief is Jerrilyn A. Cambron, LMT, DC, MPH, PhD)

First, we would like to state what we didn’t review:

1. We didn’t review articles which discussed the spiritual aspects of massage therapy. We think that this equally important side of massage therapy is very well presented. The reader may find a great variety of articles on this topic.

2. We didn’t review any political articles. We are a completely independent source and we are not associated with any massage therapy organization or association. We are here only for the science of massage.

3. We didn’t review articles on Oriental medicine, despite the fact that we try in our Journal to build up bridges between Western and Eastern concepts. We are sure that the split between both views is unfortunate and was forced on the practitioners by misunderstanding and miscommunication widely supported by many authors and educators.

    We reviewed only articles that are scientifically based or claimed to be based on science. We gladly agree to publish responses or comments from authors or editors in future issues of JMS.


    Congratulations to the Editorial Board and Leslie L. Young, Editor-in-Chief of M&BM for again receiving our JMS Annual Appreciation Award for 2018!

    There is no doubt that M&BM continues to be the most valuable and scientifically grounded massage publication in the United States. These standards are maintained from issue to issue and it makes M&BM the most consistent (quality wise) professional journal in the USA. It is published six times per year and it has hard copy and digital versions. Each issue of M&BM is greatly illustrated and it provides video illustrations in its digital version. The fact that M&BM is available in digital form gives the magazine an international reach.

               Each year M&BM offers a great variety of topics, some of which are never even mentioned in other national professional publications. The articles range from interesting clinical cases to theoretical pieces and techniques application.

    Each issue of M&BM is richly illustrated, which helps readers better understand and implement the articles’ content. M&BM continues to contribute to the further development of the massage therapy profession in the USA.

    We wish for the Editorial Board of M&MB to continue to be agile, curious and constantly challenging its readers! Our congratulations for a job well done!

Editorial Board of Journal of Massage Science

Category: News
