Dear Friends and Colleagues,   

Welcome to JMS Issue #2 of 2024. We appreciate the support of our readers worldwide and hope you will enjoy the current issue’s content.   

In Person of the Month, we publish an interview with Ben Keys, LMT from Florida. Ben is an exceptional therapist who successfully combines two different branches of Massage Therapy: Medical Massage and Sports Massage.

In JMS’s News section, we introduce three new therapists who successfully finished SOMI’s Medical Massage Certification program and can now help patients in complex clinical situations. They are: May Hawthorn, LMT, CMMP; Kimberly Merryman, LMT, CMMP; and Allen T. “Tim” Stanley, LMT, CMMP

In the Science of Medical Massage section, we published Part III of the article ” Why Therapists Need To Know About Hyaluronic Acid ” by Dr. Ross Turchaninov. This article reviews the newest scientific data on the lubrication of the superficial and deep fascia and the role of Hyaluronic Acid in this critically important process.

We continue to publish articles by Laura C. Newton, BS, ED, LMT, NMT, on medical billing for massage therapists: Medical Billing – Simplifying the Complex Issue. We hope that therapists will find the information in this article helpful in their practice

            In our Case of the Month section, we publish clinical case Medical Massage Vs. Consequences Of Severe Leg Trauma by Veronica Selby, LMT, CMMP. This clinical piece is an excellent example of a Medical Massage application when a therapist is forced to develop a unique treatment strategy due to the unpredictability of trauma and its consequences. 


Dr. Ross Turchaninov, editor-in-chief 


Category: Letter From The Editor
