Letter From The Editor

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Letter from the Editor Nov 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues Welcome to the November-December issue of Journal of Massage Science. In this issue we offer a lot of important information. We need your help in determining the winner of theCase of
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Science News Sep 2009

REPORT FROM 2009 FLORIDA STATE MASSAGE THERAPY ASSOCIATION CONVENTION by Mary Preuss The Florida State Massage Therapy Association (FSMTA) held its annual convention on July 8-12 of this year. This convention
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Letter from the Editor Sep 2009

Dear readers Welcome to the September/October issue of theJournal of Massage Science. We hope that you will find a lot of helpful, practical information in this issue. In July our Journal participated in the 7
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Letter From the Editor Jul 2009

Dear readers Welcome to the July-August issue of Journal of Massage Science. Only six months have passed since we launched our Journal. Thanks to you our Journal has received international attention. We now hav
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Letters from Our Readers May 2009

Thank you for all your letters. They provide us with much needed support and we really appreciate your feedback. We promise to assist you in building up your professional career in every possible way. Here are
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Letter from the Editor May 2009

Dear readers Welcome to the May-June issue of the Journal of Massage Science. As usual, we prepared for you a lot of very helpful and practical information. In this issue we introduce the Sports Massage sectio
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Letter from the Editor Mar/Apr 09

Dear friends and colleagues! We welcome you to the second issue of the Journal of Massage Science. We greatly appreciated your comments regarding, and interest in our first issue. We were thrilled with your re
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Letter From the Editor Jan/Feb 09

Dear friend and colleague! We are happy to welcome you to the first issue of the Journal of Massage Science. There are four major journals in the U.S. which cover various aspects of massage therapy. So why is y