Dear Friends and Colleagues,   

 1. Welcome to JMS Issue #3 of 2018. We appreciate the support of our readers from all around the world. Here is the content of the current issue we hope you will enjoy:   

Sadly, this issue starts with a Eulogy dedicated to the memory of an exceptional scientist, physician and educator, Dr. Leon Chaitow, DO who recently passed away. He left profound mark in our profession and his expertise will be missed.

Our Person of the Month is Kate Simmons, LMT, CMTPT. Kate is the current President of the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists (NAMTPT) and a very skillful therapist. Kate tells our readers about NAMTPT and shares her vision of clinical application of massage therapy.

In our report, ‘SOMI Brings Medical Massage Back To American Medicine!’ written by Mary Preuss from SOMI, we share with readers very exciting news for the entire profession. SOMI was invited and successfully trained PTs from the prestigious Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s Regional Hospital in Medical Massage Theory and clinical application of protocol for Chronic Headaches. The SOMI treatment plan is now used as routine treatment procedure in these medical institutions.

In the section Introducing Our New CMMPs we proudly present three recent graduates of our Medical Massage Certification Program, Juan Luis Ordaz Sabag, DVM, CMMP, LMT from Torreon, Mexico, Liam Newberg CMMP, CMP from Los Angeles, CA and John P. Maxwell, CMMP, NCBTMB, LMT from Las Vegas, NV. These are exceptional therapists and we think readers will be inspired by their stories of professional success and how Medical Massage changed their practices.

In our News from the Clinic section we share with you interesting cases that we have recently observed within our Phoenix and Orlando clinics.

 In the Science of Therapeutic Massage section we published the article, “A Cautionary Tale About Overusing the Elbow and Forearm in Massage Therapy” written by Stephen Ryason, CMMP, LMT and a member of the JMS Editorial Board. In the article Stephen shares with readers his unfortunate personal experience of overusing the elbow during therapy.

In the Science of Medical Massage section we continue to discuss the psychological impact chronic pain has on the patient’s brain. The Article, “Chronic Pain And Brain Self Defense Mechanisms: Part 1, written by Dr. Ross Turchaninov, discusses how to avoid the pitfalls of defense reactions the patient’s brain creates for therapists and how to optimize the treatment to achieve stable clinical results. 

In our Case of the Month section, one of our current students, Juan Luis Ordaz Sabag, DVM, CMMP, LMT, from Torreon, Mexico contributed a very interesting and greatly illustrated clinical case, “Medical Massage Vs Multilayered Pathology.”

Finally, as usual, you will find a lot of helpful information in our Good Apples/Bad Apples section.      

2. Our Medical Massage Certification Program has greatly increased retention and clinical use of information we share with therapists during each of our seminars. We’re really excited by the progress our students have shown and the success stories from our CMMPs, who practice Medical Massage around the country.

The following is the last location of our Medical Massage Seminars in 2018. Please learn more at:

PITTSBURGH, PA – December 7-9: MM Concept, Chronic Cervical Pain, Piriformis Muscle Syndrome/Sciatica

We are finalizing our schedule of seminars for 2019

3. We highly recommend our readers consider participating in the 34th Annual Conference of the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists (NAMTPT) in Pittsburgh, PA on November 1-4, 2018. This incredibly valuable professional organization was kind enough to offer a discount to our readers for enrolling in the Conference. Please enter: SOMI100 to get a $100 discount. To learn more and read the entire program of the conference please click here:

4. For Sports Massage Seminars and certification offered by O. Bouimer, LMT, CMMP please visit:

5. As always, please follow us on Facebook at the Journal of Massage Science where we have interesting, professional discussions weekly:

6. Recently, a group of our students formed the Facebook community Students of Science of Massage Institute Medical Massage Program where they exchange professional tips, social events and clinical cases. You may consider joining this on-line community:

The Science of Massage Team

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